yHEP annual meetings at the DPG conferences and food order
Dear fellow early-career researchers,
We are very excited to invite members and non-members to the yHEP Annual Meeting 2025 to take place hybrid during
- the DPG Spring Meeting in Cologne on Wednesday, March 12, 19:00 - 20:00 h, in Hörsaal 3 at the Physikalische Institute of the University of Cologne (Zülpicher Straße 77).
- the DPG Spring Meeting in Göttingen on Tuesday, April 1, lunchbreak, in TBA. Furthermore, a discussion on topics (WissZeitVG, residence permits) with the jDPG will take place on Wednesday evening.
On this occasion, we will report on the organization's activities since we last met a year ago, and we will discuss plans for the coming year. Please find a selection of topics and the zoom links below.
Important information: For the Cologne conference, we foresee a combined food order. We will send out a separate Email to collect the food order in the weeks coming. For the Göttingen meeting, a 45 min time slot for eating remains.
We want to hear your thoughts on topics like:
- Challenges of early-career researchers (professional, personal, migratory, etc.)
- Networking and shaping the future of our fields
- Environmental sustainability
- Current and future developments in high and low energy physics (i.e. particle, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics, as well as accelerator physics)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Your yHEP management board
Zoom links:
[1] Zoom link for the DPG meeting Cologne:
[2] Zoom link for the DPG meeting Giessen:
yHEP holds annual meetings during the DPG spring meetings. All scientists with fixed-term contracts in the field of HEP (particle and astroparticles physics, accelerator physics, hadron and nuclear physics, ...) are cordially invited to take part in the discussions. We collect ideas for short- and medium-term activities and will give plenty of room for the exchange of views. Additionally, the elected management board will present itself. Non-members are welcome to join!
yHEP also organizes panel discussions on topics suggested by our community. Everyone interested, is invited to join!
Workshop on Sustainability in the Digital Transformation of Basic Research on Universe & Matter
As co-organizers, the yHEP Management board encourages young researchers to take the great opportunity and participate in the workshop on Sustainability in the Digital Transformation of Basic Research on Universe & Matter!
When: May 30 to June 2, 2023
Where: Landhaus Nordhelle in Meinerzhagen
Save the date and register here.
The creative workshop develops strategic concepts for sustainability transformation in ErUM-Data from the funding applications on. The workshop program focuses on working sessions with guiding questions, on topics such as footprint, hardware lifetime, and machine models. The 6 sub-groups will gather relevant information for the final report which will be published timely after the workshop. Keynote presentations by high-profile experts will inform participants and stimulate discussions. Key measures will concern education, research and innovation, in line with the BMBF's sustainability goals.
Next Annual Meeting, Dresden: Wednesday, 22.03.2023, 19 Uhr, HSZ/0101 or via zoom, Link
We are very excited to invite members and non-members to the yHEP Annual Meeting 2023 to take place hybrid during the DPG SMuK Spring Meeting in Dresden.
Join us in person or via zoom (Meeting-ID: 690 0580 4647, Kenncode: 543698).
Since the meeting takes place at the best dinner time, we plan to order pizza to enjoy during the meeting, and we foresee a combined order. To arrange this with the local provider, please put your request here before 15.03. 17:00 latest. The prices for the pizza's will be around 8 - 12 €. We will get a special offer, depending a bit on the size of the order. Since we don't have funding for serving the pizza, we will advance the money, and would appreciate if you pay directly at the annual meeting.
- Challenges of early-career researchers (professional, personal, migratory, etc.)
- Networking and shaping the future of our fields
- Environmental sustainability
- Current and future developments in high and low energy physics (i.e. particle, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics, as well as accelerator physics)
Jointly with jDPG and the DPG working group economy and industry, we have organised an industry session during the DPG conference in Dresden on Tuesday, 21.03.2023 from 19h00 – 21h00 in HSZ 0004.
Next Panel discussion: Planned on the topic of Mental Health
Annual Meeting (KET and KAT), Heidelberg, online: Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 19:30 Uhr, Link
Annual Meeting (KHuK and KfB), Mainz, online: Tuesday, 29 March 2022, 19:00 Uhr, Link
Annual Meeting, online:
Panel discussion: "Future of High Energy Physics", online: Thursday, 16 Dec 2021, 19:00 Uhr
Invited panel speakers: Prof. Karl Jakobs, Prof. Tilman Plehn, Prof. Michael Düren und PD Dr. Jeanette Lorenz
Annual Meeting, online: Wednesday, 22.04.2020, Link
Annual Meeting, Munich: Tuesday, 19.03.2019, 18:00 Uhr, HS 1, Link
After the meeting we will participate in the bar-hopping organised by jDPG.
Annual Meeting, Aachen: Wednesday, 27.03.2019, 19:00 Uhr, H05, C.A.R.L, Link
After the meeting we will participate in the bar-hopping organised by jDPG.
Annual Meeting, Bochum: Tuesday, 27.02.2018, 19:00 Uhr, HZO 50, Link
After the meeting we will participate in the bar-hopping organized by jDPG which is a great opportunity to get to know each other.
Annual Meeting, Würzburg: Monday, 19.03.2018, 10:00 Uhr, Link
The location will be announced once it is settled.